How Can I Become a Member of Casco United Methodist Church (UMC)?
We hope each one will consider becoming a professing (what we used to call “full”) member of the church. Certainly we can use each person’s gifts and grace whether or not he or she is a “member” of the church—but membership indicates a commitment to the work of the church and opens up leadership possibilities for those who join. How can you become a professing member of Casco UMC?
There are several ways:
If you would like to become a professing member of Casco UMC, contact the church office at 269-227-3328. You are always welcome at Casco UMC! |
Casco United Methodist Church
880 – 66th Street South Haven, MI 49090 269-227-3328 [email protected] Worship Schedule Sunday: 10:00am |